Social Media, Explained in Java (extended)

Coffee and Social Media Icons

The original entries:

Facebook: I like drinking coffee.

Twitter: I’m drinking coffee.

YouTube: Watch my cat drink coffee.

Instagram: Selfie: Me and my cat sipping coffee before I leave for school today.

Pinterest: How to make coffee.

LinkedIn:  Skills – Can make great coffee

And…my new ones:

Google+: +1 for drinking coffee

Japanese Twitter: ソーシャルメディアとコーヒー かわいい!

Vine: 2 second video loop: Sip of coffee

Line: _c(_)_ (=^?^=)

Yelp: 4-stars for coffee at my home (-1 star for having to make it myself)

Foursquare: Tip – coffee is better in a cup with a cat

Swarm: 20 others are drinking coffee here.

Myspace: 10 little known songs about coffee, plus Timberlake’s cover of F. Sinatra’s Coffee song

Reddit: I hate all people who drink coffee with cats (troll)

HuffPost: Why drinking coffee with your cat makes you live longer

Blogger/WordPress/Tumblr/LiveJournal/TypePad: My thoughts on drinking coffee with cats

Flipboard: A visual magazine dedicated to cats sitting next to coffee cups

te@achthought: How to get students to drink less coffee and pay more attention to their cats

Buffer: “The only escape from the miseries of life are music and cats…” (…and coffee)- Albert Schweitzer Why I drink coffee

Bebo: #coffeeiskewl The best sites for coffee

DeviantArt: a pop-art collage of cats sitting in coffee

AdWords: Save $1 at Starbucks and PetCo NOW!

Flickr: My collection of coffee pix

Influenster: Free sample of Folger’s MicroRoast for your review

Meetup: 5PM PT @ Jon’s Koffee Hut – open invite

eVite: Having a coffee party with my cat 3-stars. Bought this coffee – my cat hated it, but I loved it.

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